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National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week is an annual, week-long celebration of apprenticeships and anyone involved with them. The week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

It’s National Apprenticeship Week: 10-16 February 2025

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It’s National Apprenticeship Week from 10-16 of February 2025, an annual, week-long celebration of apprenticeships. 


Many parents view apprenticeships as a second rate option rather than a first rate opportunity. This is usually because they aren’t as familiar with apprenticeships compared to other choices. However, apprenticeships can be the best choice for students that want to gain more qualifications without staying in full-time education.


Help your parents see apprenticeships differently by sharing our specialist guide with them:


- all apprenticeship levels from 2 to 7

- entry requirements and where they can lead

- different types of apprenticeships

- how apprenticeships compare with other levels of education

- where to find them

- the application process & getting interview ready

Your school licence will mean we personalize the guide with your school logo, enabling you to share it with your parents in any way that suits you, including on your website.

"Parental engagement is a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools"
Harris & Goodall, University of Warwick

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Vanessa Green
Darius Bluck

Meet the founders: Vanessa and Darius first met working in a school. Darius taught sixth formers and parents would catch him after school, asking him what they could do to help their teenage children make the right choices.


We looked online to find what resources were available specifically for parents and were surprised that, given how much information there was for children, there was very little guidance for parents. So we decided to write our first guide, and this marked the start of The Parents’ Guide to …​   

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The Parents' Guide to is dedicated to parents of 14-19 year olds so they can help their teens get the most out of GCSE and sixth form, with advice on post school options and well being

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