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When to consider private tutoring for your teen

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Asking for help is a skill that can be difficult for anyone to master – but it can be especially challenging for teenagers.


That means as a parent, it’s often up to you to work out when your teen might need some extra support to reach their full potential in their GCSEs and A Levels – and what that support might look like.


Don’t worry. We spoke to our community of parents and tutors to get their thoughts and advice on when you should consider leaning on the expertise of a private tutor.


Here are eight signs they recommended looking out for.

1. Your teen’s grades are dropping

Male teacher helping student with maths homework in classroom

You know your teen best, and you know what’s normal for them.


If you notice a sudden dip in their academic performance – such as lower grades – this can be a sign of missed potential.


There are several reasons why your teen’s grades might be slipping, from lack of focus to a gap in their knowledge.


But often, once your child starts falling behind, it can be difficult for them to catch up without some extra support.


After all, if your child has missed out on mastering one of the building blocks in a subject, it can be difficult for them to wrap their head around some of the more advanced concepts. As an example, imagine if you had to learn algebra while you were still getting to grips with basic multiplication!


It’s always worth chatting to your child’s teachers to get their perspective – but a tutor can be a fantastic resource to fill any gaps in your child’s learning and get them back on track.

2. School raises concerns

Often, a family’s search for a tutor is triggered by milestones in school – like mock exams or a parents evening.


Mock exams are an important practice for the real thing.


So, if your child gets disappointing results, this is a sign that they could benefit from some extra help when it comes to preparing for their real GCSE or A Level exams.


Similarly, if your child’s teacher raises concerns over their performance during a parents evening, you’ll want to take this seriously.


While your teen’s school or college may be able to put steps in place to help get them catch up with their class, they won’t usually be able to give your child the dedicated one-on-one attention that a tutor will be able to offer.


A tutor is an expert at tailoring sessions to your child’s strengths, weaknesses and goals – giving them targeted support in the areas where they need it most.

Teenage boy receiving private tutoring at home

3. Your teen is battling with their homework

Most of your child’s learning will normally take place outside of the home.


So, homework is often the only opportunity you’ll get to see your child’s learning in action.


With that in mind, the way they approach their homework can give you a valuable insight into where they’re at in their journey.


Is homework a nightly battle? Are there subjects your child tries to avoid? Are there topics your child spends hours wrestling with that should only take 20 minutes?


If your teen dreads their homework, this can be a sign that there are gaps in their understanding or confidence.


Take note of any patterns and use the information you have to establish whether your child could benefit from some extra support.


A tutor your child clicks with can boost their confidence and understanding both inside and outside of the classroom – and even tackle your child’s homework with them.

Scence teacher helping young female student

4. You’re struggling to help your teen yourself

As a parent, you want the best for your child. So, it’s natural to try and help them wherever possible.


But sometimes, you might not be the right person for the job.


As your teen prepares for their GCSEs or A Levels, they’ll study topics in more and more depth, which can leave you at a loss if you don’t have the skills or knowledge needed to help them wrap their head around new concepts.


For instance, when’s the last time you studied trigonometry or Pythagoras’ Theorem?


Equally, even if you do have the knowledge needed, sometimes your teen may struggle to take advice from you as a parent – there’s always going to be emotional baggage there!


On the other hand, a tutor is a professional who is an expert at bringing their subject to life.


Plus, as a third party, they’ll bring a fresh perspective and approach to the table – which can make things easier when it comes to persuading your teen to accept the help that’s on offer!

Female tutor helping young boy with coursework

5. Your teen’s goals are just out of reach

Does your child have big plans for the future?


For instance, perhaps they have their sights set on a specific sixth form college or university course?


Their GCSE and A Level results can have a big bearing on whether they’re able to achieve those goals – which can be a lot of pressure!


Instead of leaving them to handle this pressure on their own, getting a tutor involved is a great way to make sure your child is working towards their goals in a productive and effective way.


A tutor can sit down with you and your teen to figure out what grades will be needed for your teen to reach that next step – and put a plan in place to help them get where they need to be.


This is especially helpful if your teen’s goals are just out of reach. For instance, perhaps they’re a grade or two out in one subject, or on the cusp of a grade boundary.


It takes on average eight hours of tutoring to move up one GCSE grade, showing the massive impact that a private tutor can have when it comes to getting your child the grades they need.

Private tutor and young male student going through homework in school

6. Your teen is struggling to focus

Everyone is different, and every teen will learn differently.


If your child is struggling to focus at school, it may be a sign that a different approach to learning is what’s needed.


For instance, your child might not learn best sitting in a classroom for hours on end. Instead, they may be able to take more in from the comfort of their own home where there are fewer distractions.


In this case, a tutor can make a huge difference as they’ll tailor their approach to your teen’s learning style – allowing them to learn in a way that’s engaging and that clicks for them.


Similarly, no matter how involved your child’s school or college is, preparing for GCSEs and A Levels requires a lot of independent study and revision.


If your child struggles with motivation and self-directed learning, this can have a big impact on their exam results – despite your child having the potential to succeed.


Getting the help of a tutor can be a game-changer, as they’ll be able to give your teen accountability and act as their own personal cheerleader to make sure they stay on track with their exam preparation.

7. Low confidence

Three young female students walking down school corridor

Low confidence is another top reason why parents choose to start their search for a private tutor.


If your child believes they’re not good at something, it can be really hard to convince them otherwise – and sometimes, it can become self fulfilling!


Low confidence can also prevent your child from participating in class. Not only will this affect their learning, but it can often have a bearing on which sets they’re placed in and even their predicted grades.


Ultimately, working to boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem will lead to higher grades and, most importantly, vastly improve their enjoyment of school.


Luckily, the right tutor won’t just be there to deal with the academic side of your child’s learning. They’ll also act as a mentor, helping to push your child out of their comfort zone, celebrate their achievements and improve their self-esteem every time.

8. Your teen isn’t being challenged

It’s a common misconception that tutors are only there to help students who are struggling at school.


In reality, they’re also a great option for gifted teens who aren’t being stretched and challenged enough in class.


If you spot that your child has become bored and disengaged with their learning, hiring a tutor can help to bring back their spark and curiosity.


After all tutors love sharing their knowledge and are passionate about the subjects they teach.


Plus, they’ll be able to tailor sessions to your child’s specific interests to really engage them and push them to think outside the box.


In this way, a tutor your child clicks with will not only improve your child’s work ethic and grades – but can also foster a love of learning that will serve them well throughout their life.

Private tutor helping girl with downs syndrome with her homework


At the end of the day, most teens could probably benefit from a tutor in one way or another.


After all, private tuition means giving your child one-on-one time with a professional who can tailor their teaching to take into account your child’s strengths, weaknesses and learning style.


However, there are definitely some signs to look out for that indicate your child could do with the extra support sooner rather than later.


These include concerns about your child’s academic performance, but they also encompass things like low confidence, lack of focus or even signs that your child simply isn’t being stretched enough at school.


The key is finding the right tutor for your child, who can work with your family to address your concerns and raise your child up in the areas they need it most.


Tutorful has over 11,000 tutors for families to choose from – each one handpicked and carefully vetted. So, it’s easy to find a trusted tutor your child will click with.


If you’re keen to give private tutoring a go, we’d love to give you £25 free credit towards your first session – simply register with Tutorful to get started.


Written by: Tutorful


Tutorful is the UK’s top-rated tutoring marketplace, with over 11,000 handpicked tutors to choose from – many of which are also qualified teachers and examiners.


All Tutorful tutors have at least 2 years of experience, making it easy for families to find a trusted tutor to support their teen’s learning.

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Darius Bluck

Meet the founders: Vanessa and Darius first met working in a school. Darius taught sixth formers and parents would catch him after school, asking him what they could do to help their teenage children make the right choices.


We looked online to find what resources were available specifically for parents and were surprised that, given how much information there was for children, there was very little guidance for parents. So we decided to write our first guide, and this marked the start of The Parents’ Guide to …​   

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The Parents' Guide to is dedicated to parents of 14-19 year olds so they can help their teens get the most out of GCSE and sixth form, with advice on post school options and well being

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