Write for us
Is there something you’d like to help parents understand regarding supporting their teens through years 10-13? We’d love to get your message across and accept guest posts to feature on our website, so long as they meet our guidelines.
Please read all the information below before submitting your article as we are unable to reply to any e-mail enquiries about our writing guidelines (all the information is here!).
Content and length:
Our articles cater for parents/carers of teens at GCSE or sixth form. ALL articles must be written for parents (not for students or teachers, although both might find the article interesting!) and address issues relevant to teenagers aged 14-19.
Word count between 1,500 and 2,500 words. We occasionally accept articles that are longer, but not ones that are shorter.
We will provide images to compliment your article.
Subjects must fall into one of the following categories:
Options at 16 or 18 (such as guidance on helping their teens choose next steps after each year)
Study and exam revision (such as what to expect to get the most out of each academic year)
Personal development
Content can be generalized across years 10-13 (such as online safety tips) or specific to certain year groups (such as why T Levels could be a great choice Post-16
Click here for inspiration on content
Our terms:
Articles must meet all our guidelines and terms.
If you are successful, we will let you know that your article will be published, with an indication of when the article will go live. We are unable to provide specific dates.
We do not guarantee how long your guest post will feature on our website, but it is usually around 6-12 months. We reserve the right to remove posts at any time and without notice.
All articles are published under our “Guest Post” logo and marked as a guest post within the article.
You and/or your company will be attributed as the author within the article and, if you have one, your company logo can feature at the end of the article along with a link to your website.
Any links within the article must be to reliable website sources and connected to the content. We will not publish articles with links to products or services that would not be recommended for teenagers. These include, but are not limited to: gambling sites, alcohol/nicotine products, adult services, websites that encourage online meeting without user registration. If you are uncertain whether your website link is appropriate, do not include it. We do not reply to any enquiries asking us to clarify which links are suitable.
We may include The Parents’ Guide to products/services within/at the end of your article.
We only consider articles submitted in the following way:
By email to info@theparentsguideto.co.uk with the heading “GUEST POST SUBMISSION”
The article must be contained within the text/body of the email. We do not open attachments.
We only consider submissions including a finished article. If you submit an enquiry without including an article, or only including part of an article, we will not reply.
We are unable to send emails acknowledging receipt of submissions.
It takes 2-4 weeks for us to review new submissions. If you do not hear from within two months, you have not been successful:
Please do not email the same content to us again
Please do not send us follow-up emails
We are unable to provide individual feedback on why articles are not accepted.
View some of our articles and guest posts here.
Inspiration for article writing:
The list below is by no means exhaustive, but might give you a good idea about the topics and subject areas that you might want to write about.
Category 1: Options at 16 and 18
University application and UCAS
Important updates to UCAS
Oxbridge applications
Applications to study medicine
Overseas application
LNAT, BMAT and UCAT – and other tests
Choosing a Degree Subject / university
Financial support for higher education
How to write an effective UCAS Personal Statement
Special Needs at University
University finance, grants and subsidies
What to expect at university – accommodation, budgeting etc
Summer school and taster days
Not getting an offer, Clearing and UCAS Extra
Attending a successful interview
Writing a CV / cover letter
How to complete a job application form
Where to look for job vacancies
Apprenticeship levels and the different types of apprenticeships
Degree apprenticeships
Non-degree apprenticeships
Jobs of the Future
The importance of STEM
Sustainable/green careers
Careers information on the internet
The benefits of a careers interview
Careers guidance / support
Taking a gap year
Post-16 Options
An introduction to qualifications
A levels
T Levels
Other qualifications
Secondary school or college
What to do if your child doesn’t pass maths or English at GCSE?
Choosing your A level subjects
Making GCSE subject choices at 13/14
Category 2: Personal Development
Making the most of your time at school
Tips to finding meaningful work experience
Extra-curricular activities
Super-curricular activities
Personal growth
Online safety
Tips for making the most of the summer break
The importance of music, sport, drama
Topics relating to Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
Category 3: Study and Exam Revision
Top revision tips
Managing time and workload
Study leave
Revision timetables
Revision techniques
How parents can help at home
The importance of sleep, diet and exercise in revision
Creating an effective revision routine / study environment
In the lead up to exams
On the day of an exam
Managing exam nerves
Managing social media use
Category 4: Health and wellbeing
Diet and nutrition
Energy drinks and caffeine
Looking after your mental health
Building mental resilience
Conflict resolution
Dealing with grief
Managing friendship groups
Online use / social media use
Screen time
The importance of an active life